Conference (1)

Strong Smarter Companies Showing at ICICKM

10468395871?profile=originalThere were people from 40 countries who attended International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (ICICKM) in DC last week. As always, it was great to see old friends from our community.

Our contingent included Xiaomi An, LinLin Cai, Paul Okeke, Dan Paulin and Paul Tolson who all presented great papers. Jon Low and Debra Amidon gave the keynotes. And the current, past and future co-chairs of ICICKM were all present: Annie Green, Vincent Ribiere and John Dumay. Our ICountants Melanie Sutton, Jodie Cohen-Tanugi and I were there carrying the ICounting flag (Melanie gave an amazing presentation that we filmed and will share later). [if I missed anyone, please let me know and I'll get you in the list!]

The thing that I always come away from these events with, especially so this year, is the thought that there are so many people all trying to tackle the same challenges all across the globe. These occasional conferences are good. But to really change the world, we need to turn it into a more continuous conversation (don’t ask how many times I asked people to post their work to our community:)

Some papers that caught my eye:

  • IC of universities (especially because we have a Graphs project starting with a university in November)
  • A paper about Collective Intelligence (CI instead of IC!) that examined the workings of three on-line citizen communities in Lithuania—glad to see this line of thinking in the IC world.
  • An individual-centred model of intellectual capital
  • And many more that all continue to contribute to the overall conversation about IC.

I had a number of great conversations with John Dumay about his plans for next year’s conference in Sydney. He plans to encourage more practitioner cases and Melanie Sutton’s great presentation made it clear that we practitioners bring a lot to the discussion.

The best thing about these conferences is that I return to my work energized that we are a much bigger movement than any of us (or anyone else) realizes. Let’s keep working!!

(apology to readers and note to self: you’re carrying around several devices with cameras. please take pictures next time)

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